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My name is Melanie Nunez. I am currently a junior at Mount Saint Mary College. I am a History major seeking a certification in Early Childhood and Childhood Education. I am so excited for this semester, and I can't wait to learn how to implement different technology into my future classroom when teaching Science and Social Studies!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Science in The News

Seed Germination

What is the science issue involved? 

The science issue discussed in the article is the fact that all seeds are not alike. Seeds come in different sizes, shapes and colors. Some seeds also have hard coats such as corn, beans, pees, okra and morning glories. Other seeds have softer coats than other seeds such as marigolds, tomatoes, zinnias, peppers and cucumbers. This means that all seeds germinate differently. Seeds with hard coats germinate slower than seeds with soft coats. Hard seed coats take longer to germinate because it takes longer for the seed to drink enough water to soften the seed coat enough so that the inside parts of the seed can break through. 

Why did you choose this article?

I choose this article because I was interested in learning more about the process of seed germination. I wasn't aware that seeds have different coats, so I found that interesting. I also found it interesting that seeds with hard coats take longer to germinate than seeds with soft coats. I think that the experiment the article provide on planting different seeds and watching them grow would be a fun experiment to use in my future classroom. 

How does this current topic relate to the classroom discourse?

Seed germination relates to the classroom discourse because for fieldwork we had to conduct a direct instruction and inquiry lesson on Botany as a science and topics related to botany such as plant organelles, plant reproduction, plant classification and plant biomes. This article would be a great way to introduce the process of germination and the difference between seeds. 

How can you use the news article in teaching science?

The best way to use the news article in teaching science is during an inquiry lesson. News articles can be a helpful way for students to search for research through the steps of inquiry. Through these articles students can use the research that they find to prove their hypothesis. News articles will also help students get a better understanding of the topic that is being taught. 


Scienceforkidsclub.com. (n.d.). Seed Germination for Kids. Retrieved from 

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