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My name is Melanie Nunez. I am currently a junior at Mount Saint Mary College. I am a History major seeking a certification in Early Childhood and Childhood Education. I am so excited for this semester, and I can't wait to learn how to implement different technology into my future classroom when teaching Science and Social Studies!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Plant Morphology and Reproduction - Day 2

Group 3 began their inquiry lesson with a review using Kahoot. Although the students were getting a little out of control you could tell how excited they were to be playing this game. Kahoot is a great way to get children to want to participate because its a fun way to learn. Before introducing the inquiry process the teachers explained the steps of the scientific method and provided examples for the students so that they can understand how to create a hypothesis and how to use research that they find. I really liked how the teachers were able to make time for two experiments. Both experiments were very hands on, which I think made it a more memorable experience for the students. During the first experiment the students were given a dry cotton swab and then were told to dip it into vaseline. The main purpose of this experiment was to see how many seeds stick to the cotton swab that was dry and the one with vaseline on it. The second experiment allowed students to dissect a flower. The students had to cut out and tape each part of the flower on it's correct column in their note sheet. I liked how during this experiment the teachers put a structure of an idealized flower up on the board to help guide the students in putting each part of the flower on it's correct column. I really enjoyed both of these experiments. I thought that they were very creative and hands on, which is important when teaching science. Lastly, the students had to write a letter to Bert the Bee about pollination and how he can help plants reproduce. I think that writing practices are important so that children can gain confidence in their writing. I think that this was a great way for students to express what they have learned from this lesson. Overall group 3 did a fantastic job! I am so happy that I learned about these two experiments because I could use them in my future classroom.

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