About Me

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My name is Melanie Nunez. I am currently a junior at Mount Saint Mary College. I am a History major seeking a certification in Early Childhood and Childhood Education. I am so excited for this semester, and I can't wait to learn how to implement different technology into my future classroom when teaching Science and Social Studies!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Photosynthesis & Plant Survival

Today group 5 taught their direct instruction on Photosynthesis and Plant survival. I really liked how the teachers began their introduction with a spongebob video and what they used as their attention grabber. "Are you ready kids?" "Ay ay captain" "I can't hear you" "Ay ay captain" Although I felt that it should have been used more than it was throughout the lesson, I think that this a great way to capture students attention. Since group 5 was the final group to teach they made sure to review all the material that was taught from the previous groups. I also liked how the teachers explained to the students that whenever they see a writing utensil on the board that means that they should be writing in their notes. I think that is a great way to remind students instead of having to constantly tell them. Not only does it make it easier for the students, but I think it also makes it easier for the teacher to continue on with the lesson. I absolutely loved the two demonstrations that the teachers used during this lesson to show students how we help plants. I also liked how all the teachers stood up in front of the classroom and acted like plants to show xylem and phloem. I thought that it was a great idea to have the students join in as well. When students are sitting the entire time during a lesson especially the younger ones they start to loose focus. This demonstration allowed the students to stand up and let loose for a little bit. It's important that teachers allow students to get up and stretch during a lesson so that they can stay on track. I do wish there were more time for them to complete the closure and independent practice but aside from that all the teachers did a great job.

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