About Me

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My name is Melanie Nunez. I am currently a junior at Mount Saint Mary College. I am a History major seeking a certification in Early Childhood and Childhood Education. I am so excited for this semester, and I can't wait to learn how to implement different technology into my future classroom when teaching Science and Social Studies!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Video Reflection

This video reflects on how to help students optimize their learning. It focuses on ways to help children's working memory. Working memory works exactly like short term memory. A working memory helps children hold on to information long enough for them to use it. This video states that students use their ears to pick up words and eyes to pick up images. I agree with the video that it is best use to images and verbal explanations when teaching children rather than reading off text from the board. The board should include more images than text because if it includes a lot of written words it may overwhelm the students. The video does a great job at explaining that it is important to not include so much text when teaching students. The video also states that students learn easier when given personal examples or examples from their world, which I also agree with. I really liked how the video explained that is important to not read all the words from the board because it doesn't help with the students working memory. This video expresses how important it is to use explanations in your own words with supporting and decorative images. I found this video very informative. It shared a lot of great information that I can take with me as a future teacher.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

What's in the mystery bag?

Today in class Dr. Smirnova showed us a mystery bag filled with a bunch of stuff. She had us pass it around the class and we all had 5 seconds to touch and shake the bag to figure out what was in it. When I felt the bag I automatically thought that there was dog toy and a rattle because when I felt it, it made a squeaking noisy, and when I shook it, it rattled. I think that mystery bag activity is a great and fun way for students to create a hypothesis about what they think is in the bag. Students can use several different methods to figure out what is in the bag such as shaking the bag, feeling the bag, squeezing the bag or even smelling the bag. Aside from a dog toy and a rattle there were many other items that students could have guessed such as rocks, children's toys, balls, and so on and so forth. This activity was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to include it into my future classroom. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Celebration of Learning Science & The Sensory Garden

Today was the last day of fieldwork with Mrs. Hoag's fourth grade class. It was a very sad day for us all and the students didn't want us to leave. It touched my heart when a few students spoke out and expressed how much they loved having us here with them. When the students walked into the classroom we began with a short assessment that allowed us to see what they learned about plants and the students did a fantastic job. The assessment showed us as future teachers how we are on the right path to becoming the best teachers that we can be. After the assessment we handed the students gifts and gave them certificates with their names on them to show what a great job they did and how proud we are of them. The rest of the time was spent outside of Bishop Dunn in their sensory garden. We all had such a great time interacting with the students and picking things from the garden such as flowers, peppers, tomatoes, mint, parsley and basil. The students were able to take home anything that they wanted from the garden. I found it cute because some students were picking the vegetables to take home to their mom. I liked how hands on the students were when pulling out any plants that were dead and trimming the outgrown plants. I think that was a great way to spend our last day with the fourth graders, and I could tell that they all had so much fun. It was really sad saying goodbye. This class has truly helped me grow as a future teacher, and I am so grateful to have spent these past five weeks with them.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Photosynthesis & Plant Survival

Today group 5 taught their direct instruction on Photosynthesis and Plant survival. I really liked how the teachers began their introduction with a spongebob video and what they used as their attention grabber. "Are you ready kids?" "Ay ay captain" "I can't hear you" "Ay ay captain" Although I felt that it should have been used more than it was throughout the lesson, I think that this a great way to capture students attention. Since group 5 was the final group to teach they made sure to review all the material that was taught from the previous groups. I also liked how the teachers explained to the students that whenever they see a writing utensil on the board that means that they should be writing in their notes. I think that is a great way to remind students instead of having to constantly tell them. Not only does it make it easier for the students, but I think it also makes it easier for the teacher to continue on with the lesson. I absolutely loved the two demonstrations that the teachers used during this lesson to show students how we help plants. I also liked how all the teachers stood up in front of the classroom and acted like plants to show xylem and phloem. I thought that it was a great idea to have the students join in as well. When students are sitting the entire time during a lesson especially the younger ones they start to loose focus. This demonstration allowed the students to stand up and let loose for a little bit. It's important that teachers allow students to get up and stretch during a lesson so that they can stay on track. I do wish there were more time for them to complete the closure and independent practice but aside from that all the teachers did a great job.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Plant Morphology and Reproduction - Day 2

Group 3 began their inquiry lesson with a review using Kahoot. Although the students were getting a little out of control you could tell how excited they were to be playing this game. Kahoot is a great way to get children to want to participate because its a fun way to learn. Before introducing the inquiry process the teachers explained the steps of the scientific method and provided examples for the students so that they can understand how to create a hypothesis and how to use research that they find. I really liked how the teachers were able to make time for two experiments. Both experiments were very hands on, which I think made it a more memorable experience for the students. During the first experiment the students were given a dry cotton swab and then were told to dip it into vaseline. The main purpose of this experiment was to see how many seeds stick to the cotton swab that was dry and the one with vaseline on it. The second experiment allowed students to dissect a flower. The students had to cut out and tape each part of the flower on it's correct column in their note sheet. I liked how during this experiment the teachers put a structure of an idealized flower up on the board to help guide the students in putting each part of the flower on it's correct column. I really enjoyed both of these experiments. I thought that they were very creative and hands on, which is important when teaching science. Lastly, the students had to write a letter to Bert the Bee about pollination and how he can help plants reproduce. I think that writing practices are important so that children can gain confidence in their writing. I think that this was a great way for students to express what they have learned from this lesson. Overall group 3 did a fantastic job! I am so happy that I learned about these two experiments because I could use them in my future classroom.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Plant Morphology & Reproduction - Day 1

Today group 3 taught their direct instruction lesson on Plant Morphology and Reproduction. I really liked how the teachers made sure that they had the students attention by asking them to touch their face, cheek, and nose. I thought that this was a great way to capture the students attention, and I can't wait to use it in my future classroom. The teachers than did a review with the students from what they learned from the previous weeks with group 1 and 2 to refresh their memory. It is crucial for students to retain the information that they have learned, which is why it is so important to review with students after every lesson. The teachers did a great job at asking the students if they agree or disagree with their classmates answers. They all did a good job at checking to see if the students are understanding the lesson by putting their thumbs up and thumbs down. They also did a really good job at being involved at each table making sure that students were writing down their notes after each slide. I liked how when a student asked how to spell a word the teacher told the student to look up at the board instead of telling them how to spell it. I liked how the teachers incorporated a video of the Dr. Bincos show on parts of the plant. Instead of just showing the video to the students I would have used it as an activity and had the students write about it. The teachers had the students fill out a diagram at their desk while the teacher did it on the board. I liked how during this task the teachers had some students come up to the board to point where the female and male parts of the flower were located. Overall, I think that the teachers did an awesome job! They did a great job at helping the students who were easily distracted maintain focus on their task. 

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